
Thursday, July 28, 2011

The 80's...they really knew how to roll...

As quoted from the character Olive (Emma Stone) in the film Easy A, "Once..Just once, I want my life to be like an 80's movie.."  Don't we all? Well okay, maybe not all of us...but I for one am included in this wish! 80's chick flicks have a most fabulous  way of making everything seem flawlessly conquers all, good guy always gets the girl, and so on and so forth... Besides why escape from reality with a film if its not going to make you feel perfectly and absolutely happy?  Well, maybe that is just my opinion, but for my theatrical enjoyment I say Bring On the Cheese! And I choose to live life like an 80's movie!

Who's to say you can't create your own fairy tale ending where all's well that ends well. Attitude is everything darlin'..and from here on out I 'ain't' letting my attitude get me sirree bob! Life is good, I'm a gonna live it Footloose and Fancy free! :D



    I don't know if you've seen that commercial but you would like it. :)

  2. Thanks Liss! Everyone loves a good 80's Montage! :D
