
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hand prints, band aids, paint strokes, and kisses...

For those of you who know me well, it comes as no surprise that the 2 of the 3 songs Ren usually asks for at night are "Let It Be" by the Beatles and "For Good" from Wicked. The other night I was singing "For Good" and just started crying(This too for those who know me should come as no surprise) but it just hit me... It had been a hard 'mommy day'. Both kids were fussy all day after not sleeping well the night before... 

 How do kids seem to know when the other finally settled, so its their time to fuss...I didn't know sibling power included the ability to double team tag in and out all night so that mommy and daddy get as little sleep as possible, but I digress.... 

So, needless to say I was ready for bedtime to be over so I could sit and relax with a glass of wine and mindless novel before crawling into bed myself...but Ren just snuggled in deep and looked up at me with those big beautiful eyes of his and I fell in love all over again. It was a perfect reminder on what it means to be a mommy, and was just what I needed. No matter how many spills clean, tears I wipe, or tantrums I deal with in a day I will always be their mommy and they will always be my precious children... and as the song says "you'll be with me, like a hand print on my heart". My children will always be with me as tiny hand prints, band aids, paint strokes, and kisses on my heart...I am blessed <3 nbsp="" p="">

And for those of you who are curious...the other song Ren requests for bedtimes is usually Twinkle Star or some other Broadway tune...