
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

2016: A positive perspective change on my perfectly imperfect life

January has come, and goodness gracious, almost gone! 2016, I've decided, is going to be a fabulous year. I joke with my husband (you know the sexy Chinese medicine practitioner) that this year isn't going to be the year of the Monkey it's the year of the Goodier.

Due to this undoubtedly awesome year ahead I have been doing a lot of self reflection, meditation, and soul work. I have come to this conclusion.... I am not perfect, nor will I ever be...
What, what, what?!? Now, this may come as a surprise, since you know, I'm pretty darn amazing...but yep, I'm not perfect- and the kicker is that it is okay!

My Pintrest boards are laden with ways to make a perfectly clean house, perfect meals, and exercises to have the body of your dreams. Why? Why am I, and the rest of social media, so obsessed with finding perfection? This year I vow to find true happiness in the form of accepting and LOVING my perfectly imperfect life. House, body, soul...I am what I am, and that is enough! More than enough. My goal this year is to stop trying to be perfect, and just enjoy life as it comes, because if I try to be something unobtainable I will just be setting myself up for failure. And this year is too awesome for failure, it just is!

My house will never be magazine worthy (unless it's the poster child for the new reality series about what life is REALLY like with three adorable tornadoes and a dog affectionately called MooMoo by the two year old, while both parents work and run a household...) I will never have perfectly organized meal plans. I wont have a perfect body.
Why, because perfection is a myth...that's why.

We are all "perfect" with our imperfections. I have begun to feel that deep down, and this year I'm going to listen. Not so much of a soul search so to speak but more like taking time to slow down enough to listen to what my soul has been trying to tell me all along...