We went to the Doctor for Ren's 2 month check-up. He weighs in at a whopping 12.7 lbs, and measures 241/4 inches long, placing him in the 90th and 75th percentiles respectively for his age.
These past 2 months have really flown I can't believe how much my little man has grown! Lets recap!
Day after birth (April 17th, 2011) |
2 Months and loving the sling! |
First adventure, leaving the house for the first time after birth. Cafe Kaila
April 27th |
First Bath April 25th |
Meeting Grandpa and Tutu Goodier, May 9th |
Meeting Nana and Poppy, May 27th |
Sitting with help, June 7th |
Making Friends! Meeting his cousin, Lana! |
Beach time! At Baby Makapuu, first time in Ocean. June 12th
First trip to the beach, May 31st |
Such an eventful 2 months, he just gets cuter all the time!