December 7, 1941...The day that will live in infamy...
World War Two has always fascinated me, called to me for some reason. I am, in general, a peaceful person and war is not my specialty..but for some reason WWII has always 'called' to me.
As December 7,2012 rolled around this morning it suddenly dawned on me...I live on Oahu, and could physically drive to Pearl Harbor today. The place where so many lost their lives, and where the event took place in history that brought the United States of America into World War II.
It is a perfect reminder on the beauty, and fragility, of life...
Mahatma Gandhi said "Live as though you will die tomorrow, Learn as though you will live forever." I think today I'll remember the countless lives lost in the numerous wars this world has seen, living in gratitude and learning...because I can.
Remember December 7th...remember to live <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">3>
Friday, December 7, 2012
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Thanksgiving and Gratitude
I have so much to be thankful for in this life, I am truly blessed! This year has brought many challenges and many more blessings!
I have the best family a girl could ask for and great friends to boot!
I have a wonderful group of friends that turned a dream into a reality with Tabibu Africa, Inc.
I have an amazingly supportive husband, a cute son, and a healthy baby growing inside.
Many a great change are headed my way, but I know I can handle anything that heads my way. I am one blessed momma, wife, daughter, and woman...
I have the best family a girl could ask for and great friends to boot!
I have a wonderful group of friends that turned a dream into a reality with Tabibu Africa, Inc.
I have an amazingly supportive husband, a cute son, and a healthy baby growing inside.
Many a great change are headed my way, but I know I can handle anything that heads my way. I am one blessed momma, wife, daughter, and woman...
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Baby Steps
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It's a new day! Big and wonderful changes are headed my way! |
Then I just stop and tell myself...Baby Steps, baby steps Corrie, baby steps. You know, the slow and steady wins the race type thing...
Learning to slow down, and remembering to live and enjoy life, not just rush through to the next dream, the next goal, has been one of the biggest challenges for me lately. A challenge, but well worth the effort! With just a little bit of patience, and perseverance, I believe I can follow my dreams. All it takes is one step at a foot in front of the other. All the while stopping to take time to smell the flowers every now and then.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
The Art of Extreme Self Care
" Life isn't about finding yourself. Life's about creating yourself."
A few months ago a friend and co-worker lent me the audio book "The Art of Extreme Self Care" by Cheryl Richardson. It was during a time of my life when I felt lost and confused, not knowing which steps to take or which direction to go. When I listened to it then I found it helped bring me back to a kind of center, a more stable place to find my feet again.
Recently I have been listening to it again (and again, and again...I must confess). However, this time it's during a time of my life full of change, a time where I sense a blossoming plan for my life. It really has been a wonderful tool in guiding me on the discovery of a new life purpose. Learning to care for myself, on a new and deeper level has taught me many things...about life and myself.
Seasons change and plans do too, but as the new baby blooms inside me, and as my non-profit organization I've co-founded with the most wonderful people comes to life, I feel the winds of change will bring gentle, sweet, and wonderful things my way. They have so far...and the best is yet to come...
Friday, October 26, 2012
Words to live by...
Something clicked these past two weeks, and I am most definitely not complaining! I receive acupuncture treatments weekly, and all through this pregnancy my acupuncturist has been saying "Corrie, you carry 100 pounds, when you should be carrying 10".
I had become so overwhelmed in the dealings and woes of day to day living I was forgetting to truly LIVE! My life's motto has always been "Be the change you wish to see in the world"(-Mahatma Gandhi). However, I had been keeping it on the back burner, always in my mind, but just waiting for that chance to truly be the change I wanted to see in the world. To make an impact, change the world! Then I had this mini epiphany. I had simply been using this phrase as an expression to wait for my purpose in life to come knocking on my door. I then realized that I needed to stop waiting for the chance to change my world, but to truly embody and BE the change I wished to see in the ever changing world around me.
I have since determined that these three words are my words to live by: Love simplicity and gratitude. In order to be the change I wish to see in the world I need to love deeply and unconditionally. Including myself as well as every one around me. Live simply, basking in the simplicity the joys of life have to offer even through the mists of hard times. In every dark forest there is a sun beam that reaches the floor. Finding those simple moments of joy is what living is all about. Gratitude, live each day in gratitude and thankfulness and you can never go wrong. When I look at all I have to be thankful for in my life, its hard to focus on the "things" I lack or the barriers to making greater change in my life.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
My Rainbows after the Rain, My Anchors through the Storm
"After rain there's a rainbow, after a storm there's a calm, after the night there's a morning, and after an ending there's a new beginning."
- Unknown
ups, downs, and did I mention hormones?
Most days I go through about 10 million emotions in about..hmm...I'd say 30 minutes. I feel like a stressed out, frazzled, and emotional wreck about 70% of the time. I do understand it's just part of the pregnancy thing...but its still unnerving, and extremely overwhelming. I call these moments my pregnancy storms....and they are an all too frequent and uninvited guest lately in this household...
This post is not a "cry for help", or a "please tell me how wonderful I am" ploy (Although I am pretty wonderful when not floundering through the storms of pregnancy ;-) ) It is meant to serve as a thank you, a very big thank you to all my anchors through the storms and all my rainbows when they pass...
To my wonderful are my rock, and no matter what crap I throw your way through the hormones and emotions you continue to love me..God bless your patient and kind soul! I put you through a lot.
To my son, who...yes, I'm not ashamed to admit it..pushes my buttons and aggravates the hell out of me sometimes, some days more than others, (but isn't that part of being a kid?). You are my sunshine, and you are and always will be that little ball of happiness in my life. You are a blessing...
To my friends and family, too numerous to name individually, you know who you are..and I thank each and every one of you for your words of encouragement, kicks in the ass, warm hugs, and kind thoughts.. you seem to know exactly what I need and when, whether it be to make me laugh, let me cry, or tell me to get over it and put my big girl panties on...
(but trust me there really are only 'big girl panties' when you are pregnant...maternity underwear is not the most flattering of under garments... :) )
Words are not enough to say how much you all mean to me, but thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Parenthood Is....
Well now I know I am still fairly new to this thing called parenthood, but I have definitely learned a thing or two...
Parenthood is....
exhausting, overwhelming, frightening, frustrating, and did I mention overwhelming?
You worry are you doing right by your child? Am I doing the right thing? What is this going to mean for my child later in life? The worries and fears go on and on...
But through the cloud of frustrations and worries the sun always shines through...for me the most recent ray that appeared came in the form of a toy phone...
One morning, after waking up, helping with breakfast, lunches, diapers, etc..I was running late,barely had time to get a spit bath in let alone a decent shower..I yank open my 'hair drawer' and boom it hits me. There it is, my son's toy phone, hanging out with my combs and brushes. The frustration left, and I just had to laugh.
See, parenthood can be all of those things: exhausting, overwhelming, frightening, frustrating. But not always it IS however always rewarding, powering, loving, and did I mention rewarding? :)
I love my son so much, he is a light in my life! He brings so many lessons, smiles, and laughs to my heart. And I would do anything for him. I am so excited to be starting this journey again with our new little one. Another light in my life...
Plus...who could get sick of this smile?!?
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Hakuna Matata
Lately...okay, so for a few months now...I have been attempting to climb my way out of a rut and back into my old groove. Not an easy feat, particularly since I don't exactly remember what my 'old groove' was... The journey has had it's ups and downs, and has taught me a lot about life.. I'm not back yet, but I've got some good foot holds coming along! And just in time a good reminder came today while I was cuddling my son, listening to "Disney Radio" on Pandora. I heard this song...
No worries, no matter how long this journey matter where it takes worries. In the immortal words of Mrs. Pots, "It will all turn out in the end, you'll see"
So, I'll see. Its all worth it on this ride and I'm one of the lucky ones who has amazing friends and family to support me along the matter what.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me in my dreams! Your borrowed ear, shoulder, hand, or heart has made me who I am today...No matter what I love you and owe you the world!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Calcutta Found....
All my life I have looked up to Mother Teresa, for a number of reasons...
One story from her life that has always hit a chord with me is one of a woman writing and asking how she could help Mother Teresa's efforts, her response was: "Find your own Calcutta"...
I've always had a gut reaction to hearing this phrase... "Find your own Calcutta"...I believe the reaction was because I so wanted to find My Own Calcutta, a place where I felt I could make a difference, and felt it in my heart and soul.
One story from her life that has always hit a chord with me is one of a woman writing and asking how she could help Mother Teresa's efforts, her response was: "Find your own Calcutta"...
I've always had a gut reaction to hearing this phrase... "Find your own Calcutta"...I believe the reaction was because I so wanted to find My Own Calcutta, a place where I felt I could make a difference, and felt it in my heart and soul.
In May my Calcutta was found....
...It was found in Kenya.
It had also been a childhood dream to travel to Africa, and the journey turned out to be much more rewarding than imagined. I found a place where my heart and soul had yearned to be, and they smiled. I may or may not have made a difference in a few lives, but it definitely changed mine.
I had a difficult time adjusting at first, there was so much need and only so much we could do. I found myself frustrated and angry. Then the patients would walk into the clinic and smile with gratitude with whatever we gave them; vitamins, brufen, cream....but most important Love and a listening ear. Humanity at its purest..all Humans need Love and a listening ear.
My time in Kenya rejuvenated my soul, while just beginning to slake my hearts desire of bringing help desired in "My Calcutta". While I am counting the days to return to my heart's home away from home I do hope to have brought back many lessons from the African people, but first and foremost the importance of a loving ear, and a kind mouth.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
I'm a Creep
Listen, Feel, Think...
I would love to tell you what I heard when I first listened to this...but first let me tell you that this man was homeless when singing in this video. When I heard "Mustard" sing this for the first time, the thing that stood out to me was this gentleman's emotion. I felt like every time he sang "I'm a creep" he truly believed it, and that my friends, broke my heart.
I've been toying with writing this blog post for a long time now. And...well today, let's just say today I had an experience that made it mandatory for me to share my feelings. At the local supermarket (Time's) I was buying an item for a potluck at work, and decided to buy a pack of bagels too. You see I was hungry still after breakfast and decided I could just leave the extras at work, or whatever....
Well, it turned out being whatever....As I was leaving Times I saw a homeless gentleman looking around for items worth something in the trash. I decided to give him my giving them to him I sat and talked with him for a few minutes. That conversation changed me forever.
He was a very proud man, who through a series of unfortunate circumstances ended up homeless. He uses extra money found and given to him for a barber, so he can keep clean shaven and well kept. He doesn't use it for "booze" or drugs, and his "uncleanly-ness" is just as bothersome to him as it might be to you or me. He also stated that the taunts and ridicule of others passing by might not bother some, but it bothers him. Again, my heart broke...he was singing "I'm a creep" in his way.
Now, I understand there are circumstances that cause people to be homeless that might be their fault, it might not be...others don't mind living on the street, while some are just waiting for their opportunity again to leave the street. Either way, I believe, there is no gray area that makes it okay to ridicule and belittle them. They are humans too, just like you and me...and they deserve respect. You might not agree with their life choices, life style or way of life...I not asking that...
In the words of Aretha Franklin; "All I'm askin', is for a little Respect..."
I would love to tell you what I heard when I first listened to this...but first let me tell you that this man was homeless when singing in this video. When I heard "Mustard" sing this for the first time, the thing that stood out to me was this gentleman's emotion. I felt like every time he sang "I'm a creep" he truly believed it, and that my friends, broke my heart.
I've been toying with writing this blog post for a long time now. And...well today, let's just say today I had an experience that made it mandatory for me to share my feelings. At the local supermarket (Time's) I was buying an item for a potluck at work, and decided to buy a pack of bagels too. You see I was hungry still after breakfast and decided I could just leave the extras at work, or whatever....
Well, it turned out being whatever....As I was leaving Times I saw a homeless gentleman looking around for items worth something in the trash. I decided to give him my giving them to him I sat and talked with him for a few minutes. That conversation changed me forever.
He was a very proud man, who through a series of unfortunate circumstances ended up homeless. He uses extra money found and given to him for a barber, so he can keep clean shaven and well kept. He doesn't use it for "booze" or drugs, and his "uncleanly-ness" is just as bothersome to him as it might be to you or me. He also stated that the taunts and ridicule of others passing by might not bother some, but it bothers him. Again, my heart broke...he was singing "I'm a creep" in his way.
Now, I understand there are circumstances that cause people to be homeless that might be their fault, it might not be...others don't mind living on the street, while some are just waiting for their opportunity again to leave the street. Either way, I believe, there is no gray area that makes it okay to ridicule and belittle them. They are humans too, just like you and me...and they deserve respect. You might not agree with their life choices, life style or way of life...I not asking that...
In the words of Aretha Franklin; "All I'm askin', is for a little Respect..."
Saturday, February 11, 2012
The Local 5 and Dime....
On February 1st 1960 4 college freshmen; David Richmond, Franklin McCain, Joseph McNeil, and Ezell Blair Jr. (later known as Apostle Dr. Jibreel Khazan) sat down at the counter of their local 5 and dime to stand up to inequality and injustice, lighting the fire of the Civil Rights Movement in our Nation. (The link above is a wonderful re-telling of their story)
Watching this video led me to think...How can I honor the memory of Black History Month, every month?
Every day we have the opportunity to face mini (and not so mini) inequalities and prejudices. How we react to them, how we respond can make all the difference. When Mother Teresa was asked by a supporter how they could help her efforts, she would respond with "Find your own Calcutta". new challenge to myself is to "Find my own 5 and Dime". Translated, basically stand up for what you believe in to make a change in this world before you have to leave it...
If I can attempt this then...hopefully I can make a matter how small. <3
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