- "When you are born, everyone around you is smiling and you are crying. Live your life
out, so when you die, you are smiling, and everyone around is crying."
~ Anonymous
Being a hospice nurse I often help others to reflect on their lives, and help them find purpose. This reflection with others often prompts me to do the same. What do I want to see when I look back on my life?
I want to be accomplished, I want to be someone that others can come to, trust. I want to be sought out for advice and knowledge. I want to be someone that leaves this world a little better, a little brighter, with a few more smiles and a few less frowns. But most importantly I want to make a difference. Ralph Waldo Emerson said " To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children...to leave the world a better place...to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."
So, one day...in the distant future God willing... hopefully I will be able look back, reflect and say 'Well Mister Emerson, looks like I've succeeded'...