
Monday, October 24, 2011


  • "When you are born, everyone around you is smiling and you are crying. Live your life 
out, so when you die, you are smiling, and everyone around is crying."
~ Anonymous

Being a hospice nurse I often help others to reflect on their lives, and help them find purpose. This reflection with others often prompts me to do the same. What do I want to see when I look back on my life?

I want to be accomplished, I want to be someone that others can come to, trust. I want to be sought out for advice and knowledge. I want to be someone that leaves this world a little better, a little brighter, with a few more smiles and a few less frowns. But most importantly I want to make a difference. Ralph Waldo Emerson said " To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of leave the world a better know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."

So, one the distant future God willing... hopefully I will be able look back, reflect and say 'Well Mister Emerson, looks like I've succeeded'...

Half a Year flown by...

Chillin at the Park-
Kuliouou Beach Park
Can't believe Lil' Man has made 6 months! Went in for his check up this past weekend. The verdict is in!
Little man weighs in at 14.6 pounds and measures a whopping 27.25 inches tall!

Ren is sporting his first tooth, as well as the capability to:

  • sit in the high chair
  • react to his name
  • and crawl! 
Ren tried his first solid foods! Rice cereal, Poi, and Avocado. The following pictures will bring you up to speed on the food front...

First attempt at solids, Rice Cereal, not too sure about it...

Might, maybe, may be alright...still undecided on the whole rice cereal deal

Poi? No go.....

Avocado?!? SUCCESS! Loves it! 

Thanks for the most challenging, life changing, yet amazing 6 months Lil' Man! Keep up the good growin'!      <3 Love my little guy to bits and pieces! <3 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mommyhood ain't for the faint of heart....

It's been said, "The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new"
 - Rajneesh

Well it should also be said that just as the baby grows and learns, so does the mother. Becoming a mother is a learning experience that never ends...just when you think you might, maybe, may have it down..BAM! You realize...nope, sure don't! 

But guess what... THAT'S OKAY! 

This lesson is one I am still trying to wrap my mind around, its allusive for me. Society today gives everyone very little margin of error. Perfection is expected, but not achievable. No Body is Perfect.  It's not all society's fault either, my attitude needs a readjustment every now and again...and well..that's okay too. 

I am a working full-time new momma, trying to support my family while trying to learn the lessons of mommyhood. Its one really tells you how hard, and I think that's because it's something you need to learn on your own..instead they just say it's worth it... and it is! 

All the days where you don't get to shower or brush your teeth until way past due, all the sleepless nights of breast feeding, all the worries afloat in your mind...its all worth it when you get that smile, that laugh, that first attempt to crawl towards you. It's amazing how much love one little being can create...
This is what I'm learning, some days are good..some are bad...I'm not gonna lie..some days I think back to life before my Ren and reminisce(but I don't think that makes me a bad momma), I wouldn't change a is good..I may have dirty hair and some plaque on my teeth, but I wouldn't change a thing. Not when I get this smile to brighten my day...

Words to live by....

At work this past weekend I walked into a patient's room. And they said "Ah, there's my smiley girl!" I said "Good Morning! I always smile, yea?" They just smiled back, then I said "Life's too short to frown"...The patient then proceeded to give me a look resembling "Dang, that's good!"

And not to toot my own horn, but dang... That is good! It's good words to live by, along with my 5 million other quotes I love (alright maybe not 5 million, but it's up there)

And so we add yet another set of words to my live by list: Life's too short to frown, so Do It Anyway...(Mother Teresa to Be the Change I wish to see in the World (Mahatma Gandhi), I must Be myself because everyone else is already taken(Oscar Wilde). 

Just an excellent refresher on what is important in life...

Monday, October 10, 2011

What do the Beach Boys and Albert Einstein have in common?

Good Vibrations!
Alright, Alright..bad joke, please forgive me. 

Seriously now though. Einstein's famous equation E=Mc2(at least as far as my limited knowledge on the topic goes)discusses how energy is equivalent to mass times the speed of light squared. Therefore, essentially we are all comprised of various energy particles (or vibrations)!

We pick up, or feel the vibrations of others. The vibrations you put out attract the same wave lengths. So, good vibrations out...good vibrations back.
Changing your vibrations and attitude is possible but is no easy task. 

I have been making a conscious effort to take notice of my vibrations (aka: my attitude) towards events and tasks during day to day life. What a difference has made. The world seems a brighter, happier place because of all the beauty around. Taking time to stop and smell the roses, never sounded so good :D

Concern for man and his fate must always form the chief interest of all technical endeavors. Never forget this in the midst of your diagrams and equations.
Albert Einstein

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

No Day but Today

Idina Menzel: No Day but Today

The other day when my alarm went off my husband in a sleepy murmur said... "Oh, that's cool", and I thought great to wake up at 4:00am...Then I thought you know what..yea, that is cool. At least I woke up! 

It was a good reminder to me that attitude is everything. Life is short, might as well go through it enjoying every single second. This song, 'No Day but Today' is from RENT, and is my new theme song for life! (Or one of many theme songs for life, I should say...) 

"Live each day as if it's your last, because one day you'll be right..." - Anonymous 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Drive Aloha!

Its been a little over a month, but I still get anxiety spells when sitting behind the wheel...

On August 25th, after kissing my husband good-bye and wishing him a happy birthday I scurried out of the house in a frenzy...long story short, I never made it to work. Instead, I was in a car accident. Just a fender bender really, but it definitely made me re-think what I was doing and where I was/am heading in life...

I since then have changed positions at work and started teaching at Scott's school. I am excited about these changes, and hope they will de-escalate the stress that has been building up inside of me, ignored really by myself. Life lesson #859: Don't ignore your stresses in life, life has a way of kicking them back in your face and force you to deal with them...and its usually in not a very nice way, considering you have ignored the nicer   warning signs... 

So, new life goal...(as told by a friends acupuncturist...) If life fling poo at you, just duck. If it hits you, let is slide off. Don't worry about it, if you worry it sticks, and you stink... wise man, wise man....
And a happy reminder to all my friends, family, and lovely dear ones..Drive Aloha! That doesn't just mean drive aloha with others on the road, but drive aloha with yourself, first and foremost.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Trivial Pursuits

How does one pursue happiness? Is it like exploring an underwater world? An adventure deep into the jungle? Or a stroll through the woods? And while I'm asking questions..what IS happiness? Are there different kinds of happiness?
All good questions, and for everybody the answers are different.

Lately life has seemed hectic. Trying to juggle multiple responsibilities at work, taking on a teaching position in the fall, and being a (hopefully) good wife and new mommy got me stretched a little too thin...

Then I took a step back, and thought "Wait! Hold the phone... I'm taking on these responsibilities as a means of reaching goals in my 'pursuit of happiness'. So what's wrong with this picture...why in my pursuit am I finding myself more disjointed and overwhelmed..shouldn't I be getting happier?"

POW, KaBLAM, BOOM it hit me! That's just it...I was battling my way up multiple pursuits, when I just needed to figure out one thing... I'M HAPPY! I'm happy trying to balance responsibilities while trying a hand at teaching and being there for my family. I'm stressed, yes...overwhelmed, yes...but happy.These are things I want in life, and at the end of the day when I see all I do, I'm happy. I'm making a difference.

My path to find happiness is always going to be changing...and when I loose sight of my purpose a friendly reminder on 'Why' is just what I need. Life is perfect and I'm happy, so the adage "Don't Worry, Be Happy" really rings true (for me at least...) 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

4 Months Old!

Lil' Man hanging by the Taro on the lanai, with Pops! He loves being outdoors!

Well, today my Lil' Man makes 4 months old! I can't believe how fast the tyke is growing! He weighs in this month at 14.7 lbs (75th percentile) and measures 26.25 inches long (95th percentile)
His milestones that he has mastered are: holding his head still, smiling, laughing, rolling from belly to back, standing (while you hold him balanced), sucking his thumb and/or fingers, and grasping. He also babbles in baby language frequently, quite cute if you ask me! Also, he is starting to teeth! (A drool master and chewer extraordinaire!) 

Ren loves the mirror! Although sometimes the reflection makes him smile, other times it makes him cry...too funny!

Master feet finder, loves to suck on those toesies! 

Nap Time! Luckily our lil' man sleeps like a rock star at night! 

Trying to roll from back to belly, enlisting the help of his friend Octavo, the friendly octopus..

Monday, August 15, 2011

Defy Gravity

Okay, so anyone who knows me knows I am unhealthily obsessed with a few things, besides friends and family of course!
 1) The Chicago Cubs 
 2) Harry Potter
 3) WICKED...
       And "Defy Gravity" is my all time favorite WICKED song, hands down!

       The other day I was playing with Ren, singing some songs and I started singing 'Defy Gravity', but this time the words took on a whole new meaning. Previously I always found this song to be a motivating factor to continue to stand up for what I believe in, but this time (forgive the cliche-ness) it reminded me of mommy-hood. 
       Its true! The second you become a mommy something 'changes within you' and you just gotta 'close your eyes and leap'. Mommy-hood (and Daddy-hood) is not for the faint of heart...let me tell you. The changes within you are difficult to accept at times, but necessary. But even through all this the difficulty melts away when  you get a smile, a laugh, or just some kick-ass cuddles. Knowing that you helped create this little one makes it all worthwhile, because in the end you love them and they love you...and that's all that matters. 
Kick-ass cuddles from my most adorable son

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Lovely Day

Just thought I would share my lovely day with everyone! I love my job and everyone I work with. They are the best group of people I know!
This is what my lunch break looked like...which doesn't hurt...
Haleiwa Beach
Plus, BONUS! I saw 2 sea turtles bobbing around in the ocean while I was out there!

After that lovely day at work I came home to some quality time with my lil' man! He was so happy this evening, which is a rare occurrence. His big ol' grin just melts my some good cuddles in too!

Fast Asleep..loves Mommy's singing

Cutest little bug EVER!

Mental Metamorphosis

So, I had been feeling a little down and out the past few weeks...something wasn't quite right. After careful consideration I decided I needed an attitude adjustment. I decided to do this by "Taking time to stop and smell the Roses" so to speak. So much of my time lately has been task oriented...I had stopped making time to recognize the world's beauty around me.

Which leads me to my 1 Week Challenge! For 7 days at least once a day I will set aside time to have quiet  moments to notice and meditate on the beauty around me, as a way to check my attitude and boost mental and spiritual health. While just allowing me time to calm, and collect thoughts before zipping off to the next item on my ever growing 'to do' list. (Hopefully causing a more relaxed and lovable me continuously...)

So Here We Go! 

I couldn't catch a picture that did the clouds justice. They were that type that seemed to be constantly moving and morphing, the big fluffy type. The kind that, as a kid, you can look at for hours finding different pictures and contemplating life. It was an excellent reminder in patience(and of course a lesson in enjoying the little things in life, because life 'aint' so serious after all.)

While driving around town I saw a sparkle off the corner of my eye. That sparkle came from the sunshine hitting these ornaments hanging from vines on the banyan tree. What a perfect reminder to 'maintain' that Christmas spirit of giving, and compassion to ALL, throughout the year, and your whole life through.
"Need knows no season." - Salvation Army
Neither does love, compassion, or kindness. Not just to those "in need" but to every single person you interact with throughout the day.

As a child you tend to love the weather no matter the weather. Right?!? It's pouring rain, you grab your rain boots to splash in puddles. Freezing outside? No problem! There's snow, lets go sledding. Record heat, what heat? No matter when you runnin' through the sprinklers!
Beautiful Sunrise 

Well, it seemed I had the eyes of a child, because the sun came up that morning, and brought me peace. The rain came, it smelled sooo good, and brought me joy. It was a wonderful reminder to take life as it comes, don't grumble about things you can't change, and enjoy this ride we call life... (A new life goal = remember to live with eyes like a child, with an open mind to learning , and a heart full of compassion. These combined allow myself to grow and feel like I will make a difference in this world, no matter how small, before I am chosen to leave it)

No, quite literally..a brick wall. I was driving around the island noticing all the different types of brick walls along the way (This is what you do when stuck in Hawaii traffic. At least I had fun!) It made me think of Pink Floyd's lyric "All we are is just another brick in the wall". The it hit a ton of bricks...(pun intended..). I realized that we all could be different bricks in the walls around us. Our circles of friends, family, the community at large are different walls and together they build houses, civilizations even. Everybody is part of something, we just gotta find our right walls.

Day Five: MY LIL' MAN 

Yes, I realize this may be cliche...but I don't care. He lights up my life and I would do anything for him.
I mean really, can anyone tell me what's not to love about this face?!? I can come home from the busiest day at work ever, just pooped and I get one little smile out of my lil' man and BAM! I almost wet myself with happiness. I am one of the luckiest girls alive because of my hubby and my babe.

I was driving on the good ol' H1, stuck in traffic...and noticed really pretty flowers that were growing over the top of the wall on the side of the freeway. It was just so odd to see such a beautiful, vibrant plant with bright yellow flowers on the side of a grungy, dirty freeway. It was a good reminder that good things are always around, its just that sometimes they are hanging off to the side, waiting to be noticed.

As I reflected on the day, sitting on the beach..watching the sun set..I wondered what would my "last" world wonder would be for this post. I couldn't remember any one thing that stood out as a reminder of the "beauty the world has to offer". Then it came to me. I realized it was the moments that made the day so beautiful. One of my favorite quotes is "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away". If that is the case, and I believe it is, then why spend my moments flustered and anxious. Find the moments that take your breath away, each and every day..enjoy living not just life. 

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Universe does it again...

Strengths Finder 2.0 is a book written by Tom Rath; where you take a quiz online and it 'calculates' your top 5 strengths (out of 34).It is a good book, and is uncannily right one target,  when you read your results and it sounds exactly like you. Almost scary...almost. 

My Top 5 Are:
  1. Developer
  2. Empathy
  3. Includer
  4. Positivity
  5. Context
All of these basically mean that I "feel complete" by:

  1. Helping others to  find their potential and encouraging them to grow.
  2. Helping individuals voice unvoiced emotions/feelings, and by innately understanding.
  3. Expanding the circle, and encouraging all inclusiveness...
  4. Being lighthearted and bringing enthusiasm wherever I go 
and last but not least...
     5.  Learning from the past as a means to understanding the future. 

Also given are 'Action Points', or ways to strengthen your strengths. The purpose being to improve yourself through positive as opposed  pointing out what you don't have (and may never be good at) and forcing you to build upon those. 
Almost all of my action points encourage taking a mentor or teaching position. Well, the universe must be trying to tell me something, for I meet with the Dean of the World Medicine Institute ( A Daoist philosophy, Classical Chinese Medicine School) on Monday to discuss the Anatomy and Physiology teaching position open next semester! We shall see what the Universe has in store, but I am super excited to find out! 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


When I was 9 years old I saved my allowance for weeks to buy a little book called 'Teach Yourself: Swahili". Yes I realize that may qualify me as a grade A certifiable nerd, but I'm okay with that.

Well, needless to say I did not learn Swahili that year (or any year since then...) BUT that is all about to change! I got the new fancy-dancy Teach Yourself: Swahili for my birthday and this year it's Swahili or bust! Why you may ask?!?...

Picture me...HERE!


So, as you can tell I am a little excited to finally fulfill my childhood dream. Ever since I can remember I have wanted to go to Africa, and now I have an opportunity to go to Africa with a purpose! I am traveling with an organization called Africa is Life Changing ( to do a medical mission in a women's and children's health clinic in Kenya. I am so totally beyond excitement for this adventure, or shall I say Safari, of a lifetime.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Life Adjusted...

Life is a constant adjustment, it's not stagnant's like the ocean tide. You have learn to go with the ebb and flow, or get stuck under in the under current.

When I was pregnant I was more cognizant of how I treated myself. Being cautious to take care of myself, as to  to provide the best environment for the little one growing inside me. Now that Ren has come into the world I find myself reverting back to the ways of self criticism, recognizing this I have come up with 2 new goals.

  1. Stop feeling guilty...just stop it. Stop setting myself up for failure by expecting perfection. No body is perfect, why should I feel guilty about not reaching it, and then feeling guilty about it...)
  2. Set aside time for myself. Time to sit around in my underwear doing nothing productive, and unwind...(Even MORE important now that I'm a Momma) 
Most of you reading this probably aren't interested in the inner workings of my mind...but thanks for letting me share...Getting my goals out there helps me to learn (again) how to go with the flow, letting life take me as I am and loving the ride.

"Forget regret or life is yours to miss...No day but today" -RENT

Friday, July 29, 2011

Everybody is Somebody, Nobody is a nobody...

The other day I was driving to work, rocking out to 80's music (as I am prone to do...) and Jesse's Girl(Rick Springfield) came one. I thought Damn..I wonder if I've ever been a 'Jesse's Girl' to anyone. Honestly don't we secretly hope we have been, just for confidence boosting sake?!?

 Then I thought about it a little more and dang how lucky am I?!? I have a fabulous hubby who loves me, a son who is cuter than snot (Never really understood that phrase, because snot isn't that cute...) and a life I love in Hawaii that ain't half bad! So...moral of the story, I am a Jesse's girl. In fact.. I'm a Scott's girl..and that is by far the bestest thing that ever happened to me.

Also, along these lines..a quote from Win a date with Tad Hamilton. "Everyone is a Tad Hamilton to someone, Rosalie is a Tad Hamilton to you, and you're a Tad Hamilton to me". So my peeps...everyone is someone and nobody is a nobody.. Find your Tad Hamilton and you too can be a Jesse's Girl!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The 80's...they really knew how to roll...

As quoted from the character Olive (Emma Stone) in the film Easy A, "Once..Just once, I want my life to be like an 80's movie.."  Don't we all? Well okay, maybe not all of us...but I for one am included in this wish! 80's chick flicks have a most fabulous  way of making everything seem flawlessly conquers all, good guy always gets the girl, and so on and so forth... Besides why escape from reality with a film if its not going to make you feel perfectly and absolutely happy?  Well, maybe that is just my opinion, but for my theatrical enjoyment I say Bring On the Cheese! And I choose to live life like an 80's movie!

Who's to say you can't create your own fairy tale ending where all's well that ends well. Attitude is everything darlin'..and from here on out I 'ain't' letting my attitude get me sirree bob! Life is good, I'm a gonna live it Footloose and Fancy free! :D

Inflight Entertainment

Remember those dreams where you are walking somewhere and everyone is either giving you funny looks or laughing..and all you can think is what?! WHAT?! Then you look down and realize you're naked, or something as equally as embarrassing.

Well getting on the airplane with an infant is kind of like that. Only people aren't laughing they are glaring and you won't get the opportunity to wake up..just time to pray your baby doesn't cry.

Well, lets just say Ren's first exposure to flying wasn't as smooth sailing as it could have been. On the plus side he was only loud enough to keep Momma and Pops up all flight, so all in all crisis averted. But Lord forgive me for any glares I may have produced when flying with a fussy baby and send good Karma to all the parents stricken with my evil may think I'm being a bit dramatic here. But really! We feel awful that our child is fussy and annoying you, but there is only so much one can do.

On the plus side, although the reason for flying home wasn't a joyous occasion, the best was made of it. It was great to catch up with old friends and family, and a good opportunity for everyone to meet lil mister Ren. Here are some pictures from the week.
Meeting Auntie Chelsea and Balin

Ren seems to like what Uncle David is drinking...

Auntie Monica, Chelsea, and Dani

Uncle Aaron! Yay for getting to see him before  moving to DC.

Ren and Auntie Anna

Meeting Great Grandma Sloan

Maggie doesn't seem to like Ren

Flying home! 

Meeting (blood)Uncle Matthew!
We surprised him by not telling him we
were coming! :D

Quality Poppy time! After swimming

Auntie Diana

Ren loves his Uncle Jon! 

Uncle Stephen!

Nana Time!
Love this picture of my momma :)

Meeting Uncle JB and playing with Auntie  Silver. 

Playing with Gramps Goodier
Learning to stand..such a strong lil tike!

Bubba the Pug :)

Meeting Great Grandma Brooks

Thanks Mr. Pilot for getting us home safe! 

Meeting Great Grandma Goodier

Maggie decided Ren was alright..
giving goodbye kisses

Friday, July 22, 2011

Time Travelers

When time stops, and the world keeps spinning who is there to stand by your side and catch you when you begin to fall? Who will be there to be a leaning post, a Kleenex, or a comforting embrace? I call those supporters in  life my time travelers. Why? Let me elaborate...

You know that feeling when you get terrible news, that numb feeling where the world feels like a blur and time  has seemed to stop? Then suddenly someone is there with a shoulder and a tissue and they bring you back..that is time travel. Traveling through the mind-numbing blur to reset your clock and bring you back. 

It's true, time travelers change throughout your life..there's your family, close friends that stay with you your whole life, maybe even co-workers...I remember my time travelers still very clearly upon receiving, and the days following receiving the news that my Grandpa had passed all those years ago. And yet some days it still feels like it could have been yesterday. 

We moved to Hawaii almost 2 years ago now. Making new friends, and creating a new family. Two days ago we received a call that Grandpa Ben had passed unexpectedly. Now, being a hospice nurse may make me more familiar with the ol' grim reaper, but it doesn't make him my friend. Hearing this news, hundreds of miles away from home was rough. However, I found that I had a time traveler in each and every one of my co-workers. Who knew I was so blessed.  I feel extremely  lucky to work with such great people. Thank you to all my co-workers out there, and to Hospice Hawaii! You have been pivotal in allowing me to travel home to be with family. Thanks for being my time travelers... 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Let me tell you a secret...

"Let me tell you a secret. About a Momma's love, a secret that my Momma said was just between us. See now Mommies don't just love their children every now and's a love without ending, Amen." 

This was a song that my Momma and Daddy would sing to  me while rocking me to sleep before bed time. I never really thought about the words then, I just got excited about picking the family member that would come next. (You see you could switch out Momma for any and all..and I mean ALL relatives.. ;D )

However, tonight when I sang it to Ren while rocking him before bedtime it just hit me, like a ton of bricks. It's something you can't begin to describe, something you just have to experience. The feeling of your heart  filling up to the brim with love for one tiny being, when you thought it was already overflowing...One little human taking SO much from you but still managing to give you the world in return.

Ren has taught me so much about the world, and helped me to discover who I want to be in it. He's reminded me how to care for myself in order to care for others. I believe he truly did give me the world when I brought him into this one.

Now I know what my parents felt singing and rocking me to sleep all those years ago. Life is magical, and I have Ren to thank for the reminder. If only that childhood wonder wasn't buried by "adulthood" woes...

Life Goal #(who knows..lost count :) ) - Be more child-like. Don't worry, right now...everything is PERFECT. For I am loved, with a love without ending..Amen.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Life's Language

Yesterday I went to a seminar titled "The Language of Aging" presented by the wonderful Gary Powell...but from what I brought out of it a more apt title would have been "The Language of Life". The main lessons of the seminar were to become aware of how we are communicating with elders and helping us to change those conversations into a more interactive experience.

By speaking with them instead of to them, by involving them instead of directing, by coaching instead of controlling we can begin to communicate more effectively. This approach also allows us to dive deeper into our reality and the realities of those around us, making for a more fulfilling dialogue and experience. Powell stated that the language of aging is a slower language, its not about doing. Its a language of reflection.

By utilizing reflective communication skills in all life's interactions I can be more present, talking in the now as opposed to talking now and being in the future. Benefiting my relationships regardless of age; from the youngest babe to the oldest elder.

 For what is your friend that you should seek him with hours to kill? Seek him always with 
hours to live. For it is his to fill your need, but not your emptiness. And in the sweetness of 
friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the 
heart finds its morning and is refreshed." - Kahlil Gibran

Thursday, July 7, 2011

"Only Kindness Matters"

These are the hands that hold me. The hands that encourage me and give me the courage to use my hands, heart, and mind every day of my life. 

"Hands" by Jewel is a song that I have always liked for its lyrics and message. I hadn't heard it for a very long time and came across the music video for it.
It definitely hits home hearing it again, this time as a Momma.

Becoming a Momma has definitely had me thinking about who I am, what I stand for, and what I want to be. This song helped me to remember that I want out of life and who I want to be/become...

I want to be someone to count on. A loving heart that people come to for advice, support, and laughter. The biggest thing I want to do in life is make a difference...and each day I'm going to find a way to make a difference for matter how small, only kindness matters.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

24 & so much more...

This past weekend we celebrated my 24th birthday. When growing up if you had asked where I would be at 24..I couldn't have dreamed this big! Daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece..all these things I have 'been' since birth, but I have added wife and most recently mom to the list.
I feel truly blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life! Thanks to everyone for making me who I am today. The world is a better place because all of you are in it, and I am better for knowing you. Thank you!
Here's to another round of 24 years...may it be as wonderful and joyous as well as challenging as the last 24!

Makapu'u Lighthouse Hike 

Parasailing with my hunny! 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ren's Zen

My little man sharing the secrets of a happy life with his friend Octavo, the friendly octopus! Little did he know that I speak octopus and understood every word! The world according to Ren ...

Live each day to it's full potential
Cry, smile or laugh when you feel like it; its okay to feel that way
Cry, smile or laugh just because you can, its fun to see what people around you do when you do..
and every now and then a power nap is in order..

"Be yourself everyone else is already taken" - Oscar Wilde
I hope everyone loves who they are and where they come from. I love you! Live each day to its fullest and enjoy life! Children know how to do it right, man!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Checks and Balances...

This precious little goober came into my life and everything changed. Being a Momma has been one of the biggest, best, and hardest adventures. I am loving it.

We have a painting in our house of a Momma holding her baby and the artist has titled it "A New Beginning". My baby has been a new beginning in my life. I lost freedoms, gained responsibility, and learned more about life, love and happiness than ever before.  I never knew I could love this much, be this content, or live life so fully as I now try to each day.

However, as this new beginning continues to bloom and grow I wonder about starting other new beginnings in my life, specifically my career. My ultimate goal is to get my Nurse Practitioner degree in Pediatric and Public Health (dual NP program at UH), and work in pediatric hospice. But the steps...the hows and whens are a completely different matter. When should I pursue these goals? How can I get there? Should I even be considering this now? Ren comes first no matter what, but when should I step up to the plate and pursue my goals and dreams...that is the question that has been on my mind lately...just don't know how to answer it...