Preparing to bring this baby into the world has definitely left me some things to think about, and has jump started some changes that needed to be done for myself...that I had just never made the time to look at, or work, on before. At 14 weeks I started going to a Taoist master for acupuncture weekly, really for a healthy pregnancy, healthy momma, healthy baby routine. One of the biggest things she has emphasized in the few weeks I have been seeing her is that I think too much, "No need to worry so much" she always says. How she knew I think non-stop all the time..I don't know..Lol, but I have been working on it. The biggest reason why is because every time I go she says something along the lines of you've got a whole lifetime in you right now,implying to love and take care of myself and that will take care of the lifetime I have inside. NO PRESSURE right?!?
So, the point of all this pointless information is really to share that I'm changing for the better, for good this time.(Hopefully) Turning over a new leaf, to treating myself awesomely...why do I know it will stick this time? Well..I don't, but I'm pretty dang motivated this time(since I have a whole lifetime to take care of for the next 7 months or 30 years or so..) Ultimately, the change will come from within, and baby will help give me that strength. It's not easy to change 23 years of thinking and not always treating myself with the respect deserved..but I can do it. During the car ride after an exceptionally brutal day at work, I had a revelation. My co-worker on the phone, was stressed and needed to (for lack of better word) blame I was the target. This time it was someone else blaming me, not myself, and I was so upset...then it dawned on me! I do that to myself all the time! Why doesn't it piss me off then?!? Interesting, so I remembered a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt. " No one can make you feel inferior without your consent". That includes myself..SO I officially hereby announce that I withdraw my consent for the feeling of inferiority in my life, from myself or anybody else. So far, so good...and it feels good.
Some other good quotes I found, and want to share. Enjoy!