My lovely family came to visit, for a few days, to escape the snowy Utah winters. It was wonderful to see them again. Lounging on the beach, snorkeling, scooting around town with the family was just what the doctor ordered. It was a relaxing slice of heaven in my already blissful paradise. Below are some highlights from the mini vacation. Enjoy! :D
Me and my Daddy! Good Morning beach and coffee :D

The fave snorkel spot, yep...we went every day. Love it!

Me and my Momma! Bathing beauties...while the boys are snorkeling of course ;D

At the Honolulu Zoo, eating my dippin' dots. I LOVE Dippin' Dots, they are the best. My Daddy bought me some...I love my daddy :D (and not just because he bought me dippin' dots)

My hunny and me at the Zoo. Super close to a giraffe eating off of the grassy hill. AWESOME! I had never been that close to a giraffe, my favorite animal, so I loved it.

My momma and daddy during the hike of Diamond Head! The cute couple made it in record time, even with 100 stairs! :D The view from the top was worth it, totally saw some whales! :D Breath-taking...

Fishes! This time at the Waikiki Aquarium, and not the ocean...but cool none the less. :D I love aquariums, and this nice little aquarium is all about conservation. Save the corals, and the beauties of the ocean for generations to come!

Humuhumunukunukuapua'a or Bob as we like to say it....the state fish of Hawaii! In the real meat and scale! Snorkeling in Waikiki. :D

Mr. Puffer fish, also found while was had by all! :D

Angel fish, or Scar (from Nemo) as we call 'em. These are my favorite fishes! :D

That's all folks! Lots of love to my friends and families! Come visit :D I love company and the memories made are more precious than gold and silver. <3